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Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) are commonly used to interpolate temperature in the range from -189.3442°C to 660.323°C on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). They are widely used as standard or reference thermometers to calibrate other thermometers and to measure temperature precisely in primary and secondary laboratories. It's taken decades of our scientific expertise and original craftsmanship to create these world class SPRTs.
Both the AM1860 and the AM1850 SPRTs feature a very low drift rate. To improve the durability of these SPRTs, Inconel™ 600 is used in place of quartz glass for the sheath material of the thermometer. A special capsule is adopted to protect the platinum sensor wire from contamination introduced by a metal sheath at high temperatures. All parts used in the thermometer are thoroughly cleaned and treated at high temperature before assembly. The gas mixture filling the thermometer is well-controlled to reduce the oxidation effect as much as possible. These world class probes fully meet the ITS-90 criteria of standard thermometers at a very competitive price. They are widely used as reference thermometers for drywell block calibrators and temperature baths.
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